I had to immerse myself in the hermit-style life for some time, and now I am coming back to embracing technology as well as nature--understanding how each has a role in developing our consciousness.
Consciousness...that seems to be the key word recently, what with the coming "golden age" of consciousness that is being precipitated by our anticipation of this date, 12-21-2012. So what is this all about?
I've been reading, watching, and listening to books, documentaries, and podcasts about vibrations, quantum physics, new age spirituality, climate change, the Mayan Calendar, shamanism, dreams, womyn's moon time, politics, astrology, alien visitation...
and why not? this is the time to do it!
I've heard it being said that right now we're in the process of taking our "final exams," which I'm interpreting to mean: evaluating what does not serve us anymore (personally, as a species, and as our planet) and "de-cluttering" our minds and lives of these "useless" thoughts, emotions, and actions. Yeah, it's easy to say and hard to do--but not that hard, considering that once we start on this "job," the universe is actually going to conspire to help us learn the lessons we need in the ways we need to learn them...because here's the thing:
Yes, more and more we are becoming aware (again) that we are part of the earth.
The matter with matter is that we have been perceiving reality through a dualistic, materialistic, separatist lens for a while (really, not that long in terms of the evolution of life), and have been "taught" or forced to learn this perception under traumatic circumstances which make it difficult for us to break away from thinking that this is "the way things are": Comparing ourselves to others, thinking we're separate, thinking that all resources are "non-living" stuff that we can use to consume without thought about their origin. To name a few examples.
Oh, and I should mention too that a side-effect of this way of thinking is feeling lonely, depressed, and anxious. We're missing a connection.
The matter with matter is that it is conscious. Even without a "brain." In quantum physics, it is understood that there is what's known as "non-local consciousness." People living on this planet have understood this for millennia (if not longer) through accessing higher states of consciousness with meditation, ecstatic dance, ritual, yoga, "sublime" moments, and medicinal plants and mushrooms. Now, many of these methodologies are taboo and have been seriously repressed (I'm looking to Tibet as an example). We understand this intuitively, that we are all inter-connected, even (I would say especially) with the other living beings and "non-living" beings in this universe. As some would say, "It's in our DNA!"
It is also known in quantum physics that sub atomic particles behave in different ways, depending on the "observer." They can change from particles to waves, and quarks can "blow the mind" even more with the crazy things that they're capable of. So, the "building blocks" of matter are actually constantly changing, depending on how they're observed, and in the quantum realm there are infinite possibilities.
So now imagine that you have a way of thinking that emphasizes oneness, intuition, calm, play, spontaneity, and infinite possibilities.
..."someone call the doctor, or the police!"
But really, this is how our indigenous ancestors perceived the world--call it animism, call it paganism, whatever you will...
This is just a little bit of what I've learned. Now, what do I think? That's the only question I'm truly capable of answering (in this state of consciousness, at least...)?
Well, I've been observing in myself a healing process. I've been re-learning to acknowledge and honor the right side of my brain, my intuition, my femininity, my spontaneity, my creativity. Mostly, I've been learning how to relax more into each moment. How to receive instead of giving all the time. Realizing that my body is conscious, not just my brain. The kind of connection I have been experiencing with nature is not something I can express in words.
The struggle is revealing itself to be the reunion of this newly emergent self with my logical, planning, productive, rational self...in other words, the feminine with the masculine.
We really are at a crucial turning point--we're about to begin a new cycle, according to the Mayans, the Greeks, the Vedas, the Hopi, the Tibetans...many cultures and civilizations have marked this time. Can we rebalance our own energies so that we can, in turn, rebalance our planet--living in deep connection to nature and also honoring technological advances that support a growing population? We already have the technology to live this way, we just need to make the choices.
If you set an intention based in an egoistic consciousness, it may come into manifestation, but probably not. However, if your intention is in alignment with quantum consciousness, the intentions will more likely occur. We can already see this in the internet, a "material" metaphor for what we are already capable of doing with our own consciousness. So, why not intend to live more in balance with the earth? We could become the earth's immune system instead of a parasitic disease.
If you're still reading this, THANK YOU. Thanks for participating in one more random rant from yours truly; I'm just trying to pass my exams. ;)
I heard on an astrologist's podcast that there is nothing really that "astronomically" astounding happening on 12-21-2012. Nothing too much. But the fact that we have placed so much emphasis on the date means that we are already creating what we want to happen--so if we intend for disaster, it will happen. If we intend for new beginnings...well then, I'll see you on the other side!
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